I realize that, having not posted in forever, that I haven't wished everyone a Happy New Year. So here goes. Happy New Year! There, I did it. Let's see, I'd like to make a big post about something.
The problem is, I don't know what to post about.
Well, let's see...
I need to look up the views of the main people that are running for president to see which ones I like and don't like. Though judging by the commercials sponsored by some of them, so far I'm not impressed. That one guy, whose name I haven't taken the time to remember because of the fact that he pretty much, well he kind of scares me. Using the facts that you're a Christian and that you're a conservative for your campaign don't strike me as good reasons to be elected for office. Now me, being a Christian, don't mind having a fellow Christian elected to that office, but basing your campaign off of that, and then also flaunting that fact that you're conservative, already makes me not like you. Those who do that are usually the people that are the fuckin' crazy conservative people. We've seen how those kinds of governments do in running the country.
However, the other end of the spectrum scares me just as much. In my experience neither extreme is a good idea in running a country due to narrow-minded ideas and an unwillingness to compromise. I swear that every time I hear about or have to deal with some pig-shitted asshole who's either hyper-liberal or hyper-conservative who covers their ears and damns somebody to hell every time they hear a different opinion and/or are proven wrong, I want to strangle the said asshole and then set their dead body on fire while throwing them off of a very high cliff.
*Lets out an exasperated sigh*
I mean seriously. To you hyper-conservatives Christian people out there who think that homosexuality is the influence of satan, you may think it's wrong and disgusting and sinful, but if you'd get that the Southern Baptist Convention's (or whatever other denominational organization's) dick out of your ass, you'd remember that our job as Christians is to show God's love to others, not to condemn them. We have no right to judge others since we're sinners just as much (and sometimes more) than many of the homosexuals that you will meet. If you don't believe me that we're not supposed to judge others, look it up (Matthew 7:1, Luke 6:37, 1 Corinthians 6:1-7, and my favorite - James 4:11; I could go on).
And for you hyper-liberals out there, if you would stop smoking weed for a second then you'd realize that you're no better than us omnivores are because of the fact that some poor plants had to give up their lives and/or the product of their hard-work just to satisfy your endeavor to maintain your hippie image and get stoned, which means yes, despite your efforts to be different and rebellious against society, you still fall into the mainstream.
*Lets out another exasperated sigh*
Okay, I feel better.
I just get frustrated with stupid people.
Like I said before, I get frustrated by both extremes. You can be a liberal or conservative, but when you're EXTREME and get militant about it(and that can apply to peaceful demonstrations too), then we're gonna have a problem. Since I'm not fond of either extreme, I guess that makes me a moderate. Seraph (who is in the room at the moment) has called me a die-hard moderate. I think it's kinda cool and funny sounding, so I think I'll adopt that title.
Now some of you probably think I'm being hypocritical, but I promise you I'm not, or at least trying not to be. I don't like getting all mad and angry like this, but this is what us moderates think to ourselves when we quietly deal with everyone else's shit. As much as it sounds like I'm trying to prove that I'm better than the hyper-liberal/conservatives, I'm just trying to level the playing field in that nobody is better than anybody else and it will make everybody happier if one side isn't constantly trying to prove the contrary. And I'm not saying that moderates are without fault. I've met many moderates who seem to be that way simply because they are lukewarm in the sense that they claim to lead a particular lifestyle and speak out against other lifestyles when they themselves are guilty of leading those lifestyles. They don't seem to really believe what they're saying and thus don't seem to really stand by anything, which can be annoying. Granted, there are times in which one needs to stop being so uptight and go with the flow, but to never seem to have a stand on anything gets to me.
Sorry, I'm rambling again. These are just some of the frustrations I deal with everyday as a preacher's son and a Christian.
Hope everybody's having an awesome new year. God bless.
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